Side Comic and Bonus Page WIP Preview

   Here are some WIP teasers for the upcoming Dr. Nona Bonus Page and page 3 of The Deva Nobility side comic coming out in the next week. Two new deva noble women appear in the Dr. Nona page and the newly named Countess Briza oz'Xune illustrates the dedication her sworn knights have to the noble house of Xune.

November Comic Pages Will Be Out on Patreon and SubscribeStar Soon!


A few more teasers for the November comic pages! Just a few small tweaks need to be made by Pop Lee X and I'm writing up the dialogue as we speak! These are going to be some of the most hardcore pages we've had in a while and we'll have another set of pages like this next month, too. I always want to balance the story with the porn in this comic, so the scene will be ending not long after the next set of pages and moving on to something a little more plot heavy. The pages will come out for free as always, but if you want to see them in their highest resolution and one month early, then sign up either on Patreon or our new SubscribeStar page!
